Connor Murphy Net Worth : How Much Money Connor Murphy Makes On YouTube
Connor Murphy Net Worth - $150,000
Connor Murphy is a body building maestro who runs two separate YouTube channels. Connor Murphy net worth is an estimated $150,000.Connor Murphy started working out at a young age, mostly to gain respect from his peers who bullied him in school.
On his main channel, Murphy captures himself asking random girls questions and taking off his shirt to show off his abs.
On his secondary channel, the vlog, he shares behind the scenes videos and questions and answers. Connor is shy and loves sushi, he eats 3200 calories a day. He is majoring in Computational Math with a 3.7 GPA and works out six days a week.
How Much Money Connor Murphy Makes On YouTube
Connor Murphy YouTube channel has 637,766 subscribers as of late March 2017. Since launch in January 2016, the channel has gained over 69,743,679 video views.In the last 30 days the channel has gained 9,258,570 views as well as 83,941 new subscribers.
Connor Murphy Vlogs, his second YouTube channel has 308,857 subscribers as of late-March 2017 and has accumulated over 32 million views since launch in October 2016. In the last month, the channel has gained 32,503,814 video views and 98,516 new subscribers.
We estimate the two channels will generate an estimated $250,000 over the next twelve months from YouTube ads. Since his audience “highly targeted”, it safe to say her revenues will shoot in the coming days as the channel grows.
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