H3H3Productions Net Worth - How Much Money Youtubers H3H3Productions Makes on Youtube Will Shock You!!!

H3H3Productions Net worth

H3H3Productions Net Worth$1.3 million

H3H3Production YouTube channel run by Ethan Klein and Hila Klein. H3H3Production has an estimated net worth of $1.3 million.
There content revolves around reviewing and reacting to other people’s videos on YouTube in a hilarious and comical way.

How Much Money Youtubers H3H3Productions Makes on YouTube

Ethan and Hila
H3H3Production has over 2.5 million subscribers as of November 2016, accumulating over 338 million views across its 200 videos since launch in 2011.
This has helped the hilarious duo generate an average of $800 daily or $290,000 annually. H3H3Production also has a social presence on facebook, twitter, instagram and google plus.
To increase their net worth, H3H3Production sell merchandise online i.e. t-shirts.
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